Licence to Alter
If works are of a structural nature or result in a change of layout within a leasehold property, or impact on the Landlords demise, a Licence to Alter may be required from the Freehold owners. However, the Lease will clarify the position and should always be first place to check to confirm.
The Lease will determine what covenants are in place and the requirements that will form the Licence to Alter.
Typically, the Managing Agents of the building will advise leaseholder to complete a Licence to Alter form and supply information to determine if the proposed works will affect the structure or the external appearance of the freehold building.
MCP have experience in acting for Freeholders. Subject to the works proposed we would liaise with the Leaseholders Surveyor for Existing & Proposed plans, Structural alterations proposed, wet over dry areas (change in kitchen and bathroom layouts), sound proofing, increased loads, changes in routes of drains, cables, pipes and new plant.
Once all the relevant information is in place, the licence drawn up by the solicitors is signed and requirements are in place, works can commence in accordance with the licence agreement and the block rules.
Finally, on completion of the works MCP will inspect the work and the communal parts.